Sedation Dentistry in SW Calgary

Sedation Dentistry Near You

We understand that dental appointments can bring on anxiety for some individuals. It is a completely normal feeling to have about dental care. However, it is important to prioritize your oral health. Our SW Calgary dentist offers various sedation options tailored to your needs to make your visit more comfortable and stress-free. Our sedation methods help you relax and feel at ease throughout your appointment, leaving you with a beautiful smile to be proud of. Let us take care of you and ensure your dental experience is positive by visiting our clinic near you.

Sedation Dentistry

What is Sedation?

Are you wondering what sedation is and how it can help you feel more at ease during dental procedures? The three types of sedation dentistry are laughing gas, oral sedation, and IV sedation. Our SW Calgary practice offers sedation to help calm your nerves.

N oxide sedation, also known as laughing gas is a gentle gas will help you relax and feel comfortable while still being able to communicate with your dentist during the procedure.

Oral sedation includes medication that may be given to the patient before the procedure, so it has time to act before beginning treatment. This will reduce any discomfort and help calm your body, so it is more relaxed during treatment.

Intravenous (IV) sedation, an option for a deeper level of sedation, consists of medication is administered through a vein, giving you a stronger level of relaxation. While conscious during the procedure, you may not remember much as it is stronger than other options.

Our dental team prides itself to ensuring you have the most comfortable experience possible. That’s why we’ll work with you to determine the best sedation option for your needs. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you’re curious about sedation options. Our Calgary team is here to help alleviate any fears or concerns you may have about your dental visit.

Sedation Process

  • Consultation: The patient’s medical records, allergies, medications, and health issues will be thoroughly reviewed during the pre-operative assessment to ensure that the sedation process is safe and effective.
  • Pre-sedation prep: Our dentist near you will take steps to ensure that you are comfortable before and during the sedation process.
  • Administering process: Once the sedative medication has been chosen, it will be carefully administered by our Beyond Dental friendly team. Throughout the process, we will closely monitor your vital signs and level of sedation to ensure you are safe and comfortable.
  • Dental Procedure: We will perform the dental procedure once you have reached the appropriate level of sedation. Our team will prioritize pain control and comfort throughout the treatment.
  • Post-operation: After the procedure is complete, we will continue monitoring you closely to ensure you are alert and stable during the recovery process. We will also provide information about potential side effects or complications, such as nausea or dizziness, that may arise during this time.
  • Recovery and Discharge: Our team will ensure you can leave safely and comfortably once the recovery process is complete. We will provide any necessary instructions or recommendations to help you continue to feel your best after you leave our care.

Interested in Sedation Dentistry?

Dental sedation is valuable in ensuring a stress-free and comfortable dental experience. Feel free to contact our SW Calgary team at Beyond Dental to talk further about our sedation offerings.